Visa and Entry
Information and papers for work visa
- Letter of Motivation
- Curriculum vitae (c.v.)
- Completed and signed Declaration of employment from your employer in original
- Proof of qualification, for example, diplomas, certificates, work log with translation and proof of completion (original and one copy)
Notification of recognition of foreign vocational training: Written notification of the agency responsible for recognition of vocations in Germany (original and one copy)
- or (in the case of regulated professions in which permission is required to exercise the profession, for example, in the care sector; complete list is available from the Federal Employment Agency or the European Commission)
- Permission to exercise a profession issued by the authority responsible for recognising qualifications or assurance of permission to exercise a profession (original and one). For example, for medical professions. More information on recognition: Anerkennung in Deutschland.de
(6.) From the age of 45: Proof of adequate provision for old age (original and one copy). Only if salary does not amount to at least 55% of the annual contribution assessment ceiling for the general pension insurance scheme.
(7.) (If applicable) Preliminary approval by the Federal Employment Agency and the competent Foreigners Authority in accordance with the fast-track procedure for skilled workers under § 81a of the Federal Residence Act
- Letter of motivation
- Curriculum vitae (c.v.)
- Completed and signed Declaration of employment from your employer (original with one copy)
- Proof of qualification: University qualification (all pages, original and one copy)
- Proof of recognition of your qualification:
One printouts from the anabin database on your qualification and the issuing institution
or (if the qualification is not assessed as “entspricht” (comparable) or “gleichwertig” (equivalent) and/or the institution is not classified as “H+”) Statement of Comparability by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) (original and one copy)- or (in the case of regulated professions in which permission is required to exercise the profession, for example, doctors, engineers; complete list is available from the Federal Employment Agency or the European Commission)
- Permission to exercise a profession issued by the authority responsible for recognising qualifications or assurance of permission to exercise a profession (original and one copy). For example, for medical professions: decision of the licensing authority in the federal territory, i.e. assurance of permission to exercise a profession and/or issuing of medical licence)
Please find more information on recognition on the website: Anerkennung in Deutschland.de
(6.) From the age of 45: Proof of adequate provision for old age (original and one copy). Only if salary does not amount to at least 55% of the annual contribution assessment ceiling for the general pension insurance scheme.
(7.) (If applicable) Preliminary approval by the Federal Employment Agency and the competent Foreigners Authority in accordance with the fast-track procedure for skilled workers under § 81a of the Federal Residence Act
- Letter of motivation
- Curriculum Vitae (c.v.)
- Completed and signed Declaration of employment from your employer in original
- Proof of qualification: University qualification (all pages, original and one copy)
- Proof of recognition of your qualification:
One printouts from the anabin database on your qualification and the issuing institution
or (if the qualification is not assessed as “entspricht” (comparable) or “gleichwertig” (equivalent) and/or the institution is not classified as “H+”) Statement of Comparability by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) (original and one copy)- or (in the case of regulated professions in which permission is required to exercise the profession, for example, doctors, engineers; complete list is available from the Federal Employment Agency or the European Commission)
- Permission to exercise a profession issued by the authority responsible for recognising qualifications or assurance of permission to exercise a profession (original and one copy). For example, for medical professions: decision of the licensing authority in the federal territory, i.e. assurance of permission to exercise a profession and/or issuing of medical licence)
Please find more information on recognition on the website: Anerkennung in Deutschland.de
(6.) From the age of 45: Proof of adequate provision for old age (original and one copy). Only if salary does not amount to at least 55% of the annual contribution assessment ceiling for the general pension insurance scheme.
(7.) (If applicable) Preliminary approval by the Federal Employment Agency and the competent Foreigners Authority in accordance with the fast-track procedure for skilled workers under § 81a of the Federal Residence Act
- Letter of motivation with one (1) extra copy
- Curriculum vitae (c.v.
- Training contract in German (where applicable recognised by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce) signed by the employer and the trainee (original with two one copy) If stated in the deficit notification: registration for theoretical courses, in-company training measures (with further training plan) or exam preparation courses (original and ony copy)
- One copy of the training plan
- If not confirmed otherwise by the training centre:
Proof of German language skills (at least B1 for qualified vocational training, otherwise as a rule at least A2) by certificate of an acknowledged language tester
Proof of registration for a preparatory intensive language course and proof of payment of course fees Proof of adequate financial means
Proof of financing of at least 752 € net/939 € gross per month (as of 01.01.2025: 959 € gross per month) for the first year. If an unpaid preparatory German language course is being completed or if the trainee wage is lower, provision of the monthly shortfall of funds must be proven separately, for example, in the form of a blocked account.- (If applicable) Preliminary approval by the Federal Employment Agency and the competent Foreigners Authority in accordance with the fast-track procedure for skilled workers under § 81a of the Federal Residence Act