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Federal admission programme
Federal admission programme
FAQs on the start of the humanitarian federal admission programme for Afghanistan
Why is there a federal admission programme for Afghanistan?
Who can be considered for admission to Germany under this programme?
Who and what are authorised agencies?
What form does the process take?
Which criteria will be used to decide on admissions?
How many admissions are planned via the programme?
How long is the programme to remain in place?
What is the relationship between the federal admission for Afghanistan and the admission programmes of the Länder (federal states)?
Where can I find information on the programme?
Who decides who will be admitted to Germany?
Are family members included in the admission?
What is the relationship between this programme and the resettlement programme for former local employees?
How can a person be considered for inclusion in the federal admission programme for Afghanistan?
Further information, in particular for persons interested in admission to Germany under the programme.
Can I apply to be included in the programme?
Can the federal admission programme for Afghanistan be used for family reunification?
Are persons no longer living in Afghanistan eligible?
I have registered with an authorised agency. How can I find out whether I will be considered for the admission programme?
I registered with the Federal Foreign Office before the federal admission programme. Will I now be eligible for the admission programme or do I have to register again?
Must a person be able to speak German to be eligible for admission?
Are there programmes in third countries for admission to Germany for Afghans in special need of protection?
Further information for authorised agencies
What is an authorised agency?
Which civil-society organisations are already authorised agencies?
Which agencies are eligible?
I believe that my organisation meets the criteria for an authorised agency. Who can I contact?
Further information for persons who have been informed that they will be admitted to Germany under the programme
Is assistance provided once an individual has been given approval for admission to Germany?
How long will it take from the point when decision on selection is made to entry into Germany?
Are there reasons why persons may be excluded from the process?
I have relatives in Germany – can I live with them after I enter the country?
Do I have to apply for asylum after my arrival in Germany?
Can I start work immediately after my arrival in Germany?
How do those approved for admission to Germany leave Afghanistan?
Is a visa needed in addition to an approval for admission?
Do I have to find my own accommodation after entering Germany?
Can I go to a different Land (federal state) once I arrive in Germany?
How long will my residence permit be valid?
Can I attend integration courses in Germany?
Will I receive social security benefits if I am admitted to Germany under the federal admission programme for Afghanistan?
Will I receive child benefit for children who entered Germany with me?
Further information for helpers and family members
I have already registered persons who are at particular risk with the Federal Foreign Office. Do I have to register them again?
I would like to offer accommodation. Who can I contact?
Website of the Federal admission programme for Afghanistan
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